
mini micro hydropower site assessment

  • > preliminary site survey Open or Close

     111026eh SUMBA HIVOS Training IMG 268 c2iPreliminary site survey is a short visit to verify the findings from the Desk Study. Head measurement and spot flow measurement should be taken as a basis of further hydrology analisys. Preliminary data must be collected as much as possible, and other tecnical and non technical issues must be recognised during the survey.

  • > pre and full feasibility study Open or Close

     120718 19 Topographical Survey Banea 063 c2iWhile in Pre-feasibility phase we are to compare several scheme or layout options such as: ease of construction, costs, operational aspects, environmental impact, other aspects;

    In Feasibility study phase, the most attractive option has been chosen, and we are focusing the study of the scheme, in result that it would allows final decision for developer wheter to go on with construction or not

  • > detailed engineering design (DED) and bill of quantity (BoQ) Open or Close

     150421 Harunda Drawings A1 2 c2iTo achieve a 5% precission in the Cost Estimation of a Feasibility Study, a Detailed Engineering Design together with Bill of Quatity is a necessary process to be done. Detailed Engineering Design will include detailed layout, as detail as 1m resolution, structure drawings (Weir, Canal, Forebay, Powerhouse, etc), Mechanical & Electrical layout in the Powerhouse, as well as Transmission Line scheme. A proper Detailed Engineering Design and accurate Bill of Quantity will minimize mis-calculation and avoid such as over-budget during the development of the project

  • > financial analysis Open or Close

    Financial Analysis


training & capacity building 

  • > general mini hydropower technology and knowhow training Open or Close

     120620 YC 40 c2iThe most basic but comprehensive training about mini and microhydro power technology. The training shows the benefit and as well the requirements of hydro power technology implementation

  • > site identification, survey and feasibility study training Open or Close

     120905 ES 047 HYCOM Asean Training c2iThe training is addressed for consultants and practisioners, the goal is to be able to identify and explore potential hydro power sites. The training gives an overview of site identification tools and basic setup of all elements like; field measurement (head & flow) technics, catchment area calculation, environment impact analysis, load analysis, simple financial analysis

  • > plant management and operation training Open or Close

     140613 YC 119 NTT013 c2iOperating a micro hydropower plant requires certain knowledge and skills for operator, even more critical when dealing with mini scale hydropower plant. This training provides the knowledge to operate, maintain, and manage such a plant, both in theory and practical skills


development and implementation of rural electrification projects

  • > program design and management Open or Close

    TSU c2iprogram such as building micro hydropower curriculum for vocational school require extensive effort to identify the available resources, building capacity such as Training for Trainier, preparation teaching modules, providing equipment for simulation, these steps require carefull program design and management

  • > program implementation Open or Close

     140614 YC 066 NTT013 c2ipt entec Indonesia has carried out implementation od programs for village electrification such as technical support unit for PNPM Mandiri program and Micro Hydro Power Project during 2000-2006. We understand the complexity of such program and how to overcome the problems

  • > monitoring and evaluation Open or Close

     141125 YC 069 giz VMT Kalbar 002 Wongran c2isustainable hydropower plants in the village can not be achieved by solely installation of equipment The operator and management team has the burdon to keep the plants in operation. By conducting regular monitoring and evaluation of the hydropower plants, we could extend the life expectance of such plants


supply of electro-mechanical equipment 

  • > crossflow turbine Open or Close

     110923 YC 13 c2iCrossflow probably the most suitable turbine type for elctrification program in Indonesia. Designed for mid head sites and very adaptable for various flow conditions, crossflow has been fully manufactured by the local wokshops. The quality and reliablility is proven even for export

  • > pelton turbine Open or Close

     090318 YC 036 c2iPelton turbine harnesses the high head potential. The pure impuls turbine system is very simple yet highly efficient. Pelton turbine is also known for its ability to accommodate the wide range flow fluctuation, even as low as 10%

  • > trash rack system Open or Close

     090327 hef 037 c2iAs a part of hydropower plant component, a good and reliable trash rack system is very important to keep the plant operational and reduce the plant down time due to trash

  • > control system Open or Close

     110814 GFI 057 c2iControl system is the brain in a power plant. Different level of technology is developed for different focus targets. ELC for example is excellent in a remote, isolated, village electrification sites, while a more complicated minihydro plant requires micro controller based flow control system

  • > educational equipment Open or Close

    test bed 120Test bed educational systems are available in various combination and purposes, suitable for product showcase, teaching aids, research and development, and other specific purpose.

    The system consists of water pump, hydro turbine (crossflow, propller, or pelton), DC generator, Panel display, metering equipment (analog or digital), and load models. Design output power is 40 Watt DC.

  • > other hydro-related equipment Open or Close

     160721 YC 132 Wae Roa Visit c2iMain Valve, Expansion Joints, Automatic Closing Device, Drainage system, are example of other hydro related equipment


turbine design license and manufacturing training


turn key project implementation

  • > rehabilitation of existing power plants Open or Close

     Bucket reverse c2iWe offer a turn key project for rehabilitation of existing power plants. The process will start with assessment of the current condition of the plant, and preparing Feasibility Study for the Owner of the plant. refer to the Salido Kecil MHP for our example project

  • > planning, design & supervision of new power plants Open or Close

     060427 SalidoKecil SHM 03 c2iWe also offer turn key project for new power plants. Our involvement includes Preliminary Site Survey, Pre and Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design, and Supervision during Construction. When requested we con also offer Operation and Management Training


Selected client references

  • > client references Open or Close
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
    • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
    • ETC Educational Training center Netherlands
    • TEDC Technical education training centre Indonesia
    • PT. Chakra (Dewata Tea Estate)
    • PT. Sinergi Sumber Daya Indonesia
    • PT. Gerbang Multindo Nusantara
    • PT. Henindo Technologies